1. What Makes Employee Recognition Cards So Special?

1.1. Boosts Employee Morale
Receiving a friendly card from a fellow member of staff, regardless of the occasion, is guaranteed to boost morale and mood. An upbeat attitude has been shown to have an impact on the degree of productivity and efficacy a person demonstrates in their role.
1.2. Improves Company Culture
Employee recognition cards are one way you can build a company culture that promotes positive reinforcement and a supportive environment. Company culture is not only important for keeping existing staff happy, but it can also have an effect on the ease of recruitment as well.
1.3. Increases Employee Retention
Studies have shown that when people feel valued by their company, they are less likely to look for jobs elsewhere. While recognition cards should only form a part in your overall retention strategy, they can prove to be a cost-effective way to keep staff motivated in the workplace.
1.4. Enhances Productivity and Engagement
Praising staff through recognition cards is one way your business can enhance productivity and engagement. In fact, one study found that 82% of people put greater stock in praise than they do in receiving gifts.
2. 10 Best Employee Recognition Cards to Appreciate Their Efforts

2.1. Celebration Care Cards
One of the most common employee recognition cards is the celebration card. This can be given for birthdays, relationship anniversaries, baby births – a whole range of personal occasions. By sending this type of message, you demonstrate that you are interested in, and care about, your staff’s lives.
Example messages:
“The whole team wishes you a very Happy Birthday! We hope the coming year is as fruitful as the past year has been!”
“Congratulations on welcoming your new bundle of joy into the world!”
2.2. Best Team Performer Cards
Best team performer cards specifically highlight when somebody has done an excellent job on a project or exceeded their objectives and key results (OKRs). Acknowledging these achievements incentivizes an individual to repeat the feat, as well as increasing employee engagement.
Example messages:
“Congratulations on a job well done. The hard grind and dedication you have shown on this project have been greatly appreciated and admired. Keep up the good work!”
“Well done for the incredible performance you’ve delivered during the past quarter. I have been immensely impressed by your ability to bring on new clients above and beyond your set sales targets.”
2.3. Onboarding Cards

Onboarding employee recognition cards are given to staff when they join your team. While new starters may not yet have achieved anything at your business, greeting them with a welcome message is one way you can make them feel part of the team right from day one.
Example messages:
“A warm welcome to the team! We are all looking forward to working with you to take the company to new heights.”
“I’m delighted you’ve decided to take up the opportunity to join us at XYZ company. I am sure you will be a valuable new member of the team.”
2.4. Appreciation Cards
Even if someone isn’t necessarily the best performer on your team, it’s still worth acknowledging when they’ve been working hard. Thank you cards for employee appreciation boost morale, leading to improved retention and happiness.
Example messages:
“Your can-do attitude has been invaluable to driving the team forward and helping everyone to be more positive and productive. Keep up the good work!”
“I just wanted to let you know how much we all appreciate the work you’ve put in during the past few months.”
2.5. Farewell Cards

Just as you should welcome people to the team with a friendly message, staff will also appreciate a thoughtful farewell card. Aside from being a kind thing to do, it also leaves the person with a positive impression of the company, which can pave the way for potential future collaborations.
Example messages:
“It has been a great pleasure working with you for the last few years. Your friendly presence will be greatly missed. From everyone on the team, we wish you all the best in the future.”
“Before you leave, I want you to know how much you will be missed here by the whole team. I hope your new company knows how lucky they are to have such a dedicated person joining their staff.”
2.6. Volunteer Cards
There might be occasions when staff volunteer to help out organizing office fundraisers or other charity drives. These volunteering activities could also extend to offering to show a new hire the ropes or teach somebody to use a new piece of software. You can show your appreciation for their initiative by writing a personal thank you.
Example messages:
“Thank you so much for all the time you put in to heading up this year’s company fundraising week. Without your commitment, we wouldn’t have been able to raise such a large amount of money for this worthy cause.”
“You’ve been an absolute rock in lending a hand with the new trainees. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
2.7. Work Anniversary Cards
Taking the time to remember someone’s work anniversary is one way to make staff feel valued and noticed. Employee recognition cards celebrating longevity at a company can form part of a broader strategy to keep skilled staff within your business for as long as possible.
Example messages:
“Congratulations on celebrating 5 years with the company! It’s hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by, but I hope we continue to work together for many more years to come!”
“Has it really already been 10 years? I’m amazed that after a decade we still haven’t managed to scare you off! Congrats on reaching yet another milestone.”
2.8. Promotion Cards
When someone receives a promotion, it can be a nice gesture to congratulate them on their success. This small act of friendliness can aid the establishment of stronger professional relationships, building better dynamics within a team.
Example messages:
“Congratulations on your recent promotion to sales manager. I can’t think of anyone who has put more of their blood, sweat and tears into their work, and the new role is a tribute to your industrious attitude.”
“Well done on your well-deserved promotion. I have every confidence you will be as brilliant in your new role as you were in the old one.”
2.9. Best Boss Cards

Employee appreciation cards don’t just have to come from the top down or be shared between peers. If you have a boss that has been particularly supportive or helped nurture your talent, let them know how much you value their guidance and input by composing a heartfelt thank you note.
Example messages:
“I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve appreciated your mentorship over the past few months. With your help and encouragement, I feel more confident than ever in my capacity to fulfill my role.”
“I’ve learned so much from you in such a short space of time. Thank you for always being a wise and supportive presence in the office.”
2.10. Retirement Cards
Retirement cards are similar to farewell cards but are in some ways more personal and emotional. After all, the person is not leaving your company for another job but is choosing to conclude their career. Try and reflect the momentousness of the occasion through your card, making sure to pick out a few highlights of their time with the business.
Example messages:
“I will always remember the selfless way you offered your time to others whenever they were struggling with their workload – and, of course, your absolutely unforgettable rendition of ‘I Will Survive’ at the company karaoke night!”
“Congratulations on an outstanding career. We hope you enjoy your retirement - you’re certainly earned it!”
3. FAQ
3.1. What do you say in a recognition card?
Try to make the message as personal as possible. If the card is for a work anniversary, perhaps you can highlight some noteworthy past achievements. Even an onboarding card can be customized to recognize somebody’s unique past experience or skills that they are bringing to their new role.
3.2. How do you write a recognition card?
Feel free to put your own spin on the content. Funny employee appreciation cards can be a nice touch for individuals you have a friendly rapport with, while you might want to take a more formal tone for messages related to promotions.
3.3. What should I write for employee recognition?
There are a couple of stylistic tips to bear in mind when writing an employee recognition card. First and foremost, make the message as heartfelt and genuine as possible. Second, keep the message succinct and to the point. Third, try to include specific details related to the employee.
3.4. How to do recognition for employees?
Employee cards are just one way you can recognize your staff’s efforts. Other things you can do include giving them gift vouchers, acknowledging their achievements with formal accolades, tapping them to take on extra responsibility or recommending them for a promotion.