1 How Does Self-Appraisal Work?
Self-appraisal gives employees the chance to share their own analysis of their performance, which can then be compared with the observations of managers and peers. Typically, individuals are supplied with a form that is broken into different categories or skills. For instance, some common assessment factors include performance, communication and organization.
A lot of people wonder, how do you write positive feedback that doesn’t make you seem arrogant? You mustn’t be shy about reminding your boss about your positive qualities or significant contributions you’ve made to the company. At the same time, it’s important to strike a balance with recognizing one’s shortcomings. By being frank and open, you are more likely to be offered appropriate additional training opportunities to help bolster your capabilities.
2 Benefits of Self-Appraisal for a Performance Review
2.1 A Strong Relationship with Managers
Writing down quality self-appraisal comments can help your manager better understand how to help you achieve your KPIs and career goals. Honest discussions pave the way for practical solutions and a relationship with your boss that can yield a more fruitful working dynamic. It’s also important for managers to know that they are on the same page as their employees when it comes to successes and failures.
2.2 Development
Examining your performance through initiative and creativity self-appraisal comments reveals not only where your strengths lie, but also where you need to improve. Once these areas are identified, you can then take part in the appropriate learning and development opportunities your company offers to buff up your hard and soft skills.
2.3 Constructive Feedback
It’s not all one-way traffic. You should also feel able to provide constructive feedback on company policies and departmental workflows. By spotlighting places where you think the business could be more efficient or policies that could enhance diversity and inclusion, you can have a tangibly positive impact.
2.4 Gain a Better Perspective
Documenting your work patterns through planning and organizing self-appraisal comments gives you the chance to objectively step back and see if there are disciplines you could improve. It might just be that by participating in self-appraisal, you realize what is causing some of the difficulties you are experiencing in reaching your goals.
2.5 Identification of Gaps
By breaking down your self-appraisal into different sections, you will be able to see more easily if there is an area you’re not paying enough attention to in your professional growth. For example, customer focus self-appraisal comments might reveal you need to devote more time and energy to your client interactions.
3 Self-Appraisal Comments for Your Next Performance Review
3.1 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Communication
“I clearly and concisely communicate updates related to ongoing projects to my colleagues on a regular basis.”
“I always provide necessary feedback to others with thoughtfulness and compassion.”
“I take the time to build relationships with different departments, which makes it easier to liaise regarding interdepartmental objectives.”
“I devote energy to building a friendly rapport with many of our top clients, which facilitates frank conversations when problems arise.”
“I remember to frequently acknowledge my teammates when they have done a good job or worked hard to meet a deadline.”
3.2 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Job Performance

“I exceeded my sales quota for this quarter by 10%, helping the team to obtain a record amount of new business.”
“Before submission, I take the time to double check all my work to ensure it is 100% accurate.”
“The churn rate of subscribers has decreased by 33% since I implemented changes to our newsletter design.”
“I deliver requested amendments to all materials in a timely and professional manner.”
“I am proactive in taking on a leadership role within the team on projects where my experience might be highly beneficial.”
3.3 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Reliability
“I consistently achieve my key performance indicators, delivering projects on time and on spec.”
“I always step up to take on additional responsibilities when a colleague is struggling to complete their tasks.”
“I am scrupulously well prepared when it comes to understanding a potential customer’s needs, going the extra mile to have all the research on their company at my fingertips.”
“Thanks to my proficient time management skills, I am capable of working across several projects at the same time.”
“I make the effort to reach out to people in advance when I know I am falling behind with tasks, so that we can come up with a solution together in advance.”
3.4 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Teamwork
“I make a conscious effort to listen to the opinions of others when deciding upon a course of action.”
“I often act as a peacemaker when work situations become tense or if there is a clash of personalities within the team.”
“I have taken the time to get to know each member of the team so that we can have a better collegiate relationship and work in a relaxed manner together.”
“Regular check-ins with the team mean we always stay on target and can help one another out when challenges arise, thereby achieving our deadlines on time.”
“I am comfortable taking on a leadership role within the team and assigning tasks when it seems appropriate to do so.”
3.5 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Customer Orientation
“I always respond to any emails from clients within 90 minutes during office hours.”
“I treat customers with politeness and courtesy at all times, regardless of any issues that may arise.”
“I take the time to develop a relationship with key clients, so that they feel they can rely on me as a representative of the company.”
“I never take criticisms from customers personally but try to understand their point of view.”
“I am comfortable dealing with clients over the phone, by email or face to face.”
3.6 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Innovation and Creativity
“I always try to bring a fresh perspective when the team is struggling with a design dilemma.”
“I regularly read industry publications so that I am up to date with the latest trends and news in our field.”
“Even under pressure, I am able to come up with solutions and compromises that keep the project moving forward.
“I know how to balance an appreciation of the minutiae of a project with a vision of the big picture.”
“I am always open to exploring other ways of working suggested by coworkers, even if they take me out of my comfort zone.”
3.7 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Growth and Development

“I have successfully completed several programming courses on the company’s learning and development platform.”
“I continually challenge myself to build upon the last quarter’s performance, though always in a sustainable manner.”
“I am receptive to suggestions from managers or HR regarding workshops or seminars that might help improve my performance.”
“I take the time to investigate what L&D options are available on the market that could help me better perform my role.”
“My short-term and long-term career goals are clearly defined and broken into realistic milestones.”
3.8 Self-Appraisal Comments Regarding Opportunities for Improvement
“My presentations could benefit from a more confident delivery. Currently, I become tongue tied when addressing a larger group.”
“I can be too focused on my own goals, leading me to miss opportunities for collaboration with my coworkers.”
“I sometimes fail to meet deadlines and have to request extensions, which can cause knock-on problems for the other people in the team.”
“Being an introvert, I tend to avoid confrontation with clients, which can have detrimental effects for the company.”
“Sometimes I automatically choose the tried-and-true method without considering alternatives that might be more efficacious.”
“I would like to improve my SEO skills, but upskilling opportunities are not as readily available at this company as I would like.”
4 FAQs
4.1 What Should I Fill in Self-Appraisal?
Be honest and specific when filling in a self-appraisal form. If you can give concrete examples to back up your statements, so much the better. For example, when compiling your drive for results self-appraisal comments, you might mention that you always strive to complete work ahead of the deadline, as evidenced by Project XYZ.
4.2 What Do You Write in a Self-Review?
Self-reviews should feature a combination of positive reflections and observations on areas for improvement. You want your manager to remember the value you bring to the team, but also evidence self-awareness regarding your shortcomings.