Software Entrepreneurs whose names you’ll want to remember
1. Automattic

Remote Work Engagement Measures
As a fully distributed company, Automattic follows a creed that states expected conduct and outcomes from its employees. Some of the measures leadership is doing to improve their distributed capability and keep their remote workforce driven, engaged and socially active are:Document everything:
Comprehensive documentation makes decisions visible to everyone it concerns. When people work remotely, conversations with actions and decisions in them have to be available so that even if team members are in different timezones, they have sufficient information to work with and can pick up where their coworker left off.Move communication online:
Follow the 3 Ws of communication- i.e. Who, What, and Why. This narrows down group calls to members by their involvement and role in work. Who do you need for this meeting? What is the agenda? And Why is this meeting happening? It's about recreating interactions online such that work progresses without distracting someone and is instead making strategic use of the hours left in a day.Find the right tools:
Experiment with tools till you find a set that is suitable for everyone working remotely. The right remote management tools for teams should enable them to converse, react to decisions, and respond with action.Create productive f2f time:
Automattic usually arranged for an annual grand meetup which, in Matt’s words is half work, and half play. The primary goal is to bring the distributed workforce together and enable coworkers to establish a deeper connection that will help them collaborate later.Help people find their creative space:
Automattic sets aside a budget for a remote work environment conducive to productivity. This includes internet allowance, ergonomic interiors and devices to help them stay connected.
2. Treehouse

Treat work as a project:
Manage your work as if it is a project. Create priorities in a To-dos format and run through them before you start so that you can clear your schedule and approach work knowing there’s a sequence to follow.Conduct effective meetings:
A meeting is only as effective as its agenda and attendees. Use video whenever possible and proceed with the discussion using the visual cues from your colleagues' expressions.Organize non-work chats:
Remember the saying, all work, and no play makes Jack a dull boy? It applies to remote workers. Take time outs from work to discuss hobbies, interests, and socialize in a central hub within the tool of your choice so that everyone feels included and can take the conversation further if they find a fellow coworker who they have something in common with!Trust your staff:
Trust is at the heart of remote teams. You are essentially delegating but are also letting your teams decide the conditions that individually work for them based on their temperament, physical location and aptitude. Making a demonstrable effort to trust your team proves that you know that they can make the right calls.
3. Zapier

Pair buddies:
Pairing up is a team-building activity that Zapier uses to get people to open up and share concerns, both work and non-work related. These are informal sessions between two coworkers who can catch up to each other virtually.Friday check-ins:
The weekly stand up happens at the close of the week so that everyone knows what was worked on, completed, and what will be the next priority to start on the following week. They wrap up their check-ins with weekend photo-sharing, commentaries and get-to-know-your-teammates sessions.Recreate the watercooler:
Zapier uses a naming convention for all Slack channels so that work and non-work related discussions don’t merge and confuse channel subscribers.Hire right:
According to Zapier the three ingredients to a distributed work set up are people, processes and tools. Hiring the right people is essential, yet tricky, especially if the person you’re considering offering the position to has all the skills but lacks the capability to get things done unsupervised. They emphasize on hiring doers, people you trust and those who can write so that documentation is a load shared by all.
4. Gitlab

Internalize values:
Encourage both existing and new hires to go over company values by providing them with a walkthrough of the documentation compiled. Remember to update these values so that they don’t become static and difficult to adapt to when 100% remote.Adapt to a self-service mindset:
A common mistake is to try to replicate the office environment remotely which sets you up for failure even before you commence remote work. A self-service mindset is about refocusing your energies into prioritizing your schedule, such that you know which tools to use for what purposes.Focus your workspace:
Optimize your work station to minimize distractions. You should also be able to healthily unplug from this space when you are done for the day. If you’re the type to mindlessly scroll through non-work-related websites, consider using website blockers so that your attention doesn’t waver during your window of productivity.Factor in family and me-time:
Recharge by setting aside time for friends, family and yourself. It helps you unwind from work stress and live in the moment. Return calls you were unable to attend to while working, and consider starting a hobby or routine that includes the people you share space with.
5. Buffer

Conduct induction-day bootcamp:
The bootcamp experience at Buffer lasts for 45 days. A leader, role, and culture buddy is assigned to new hires who help set up accounts for the tools in use. These buddies drive culture and conduct sessions to ensure that hires align with company values.Make meaningful connections:
Employees that are remote need to be engaged in a way both meaningful and purpose-driven. Buffer uses its own platform to remain original and foster harmony amongst its team.Value fit over Culture-fit:
a value-fit focuses on being on the same page as the company’s mission regardless of one’s background, life experiences or abilities as that of your peers.Take personal improvement seriously:
feedback and coaching sessions at Buffer aim to tell people what they’re getting right, and what could improve. These touchpoints are personalized according to a teammates’ performance and ensures that transparency is followed.