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Creative Vision Board Template Ideas to Help Harness the Power of Visualization 

By Preethi Jathanna

Senior Writer for HR and Remote Work

Vision Board

A vision board is a powerful tool that acts as a visual representation of your dreams and desires. We have vision board template ideas to help you engage your creative spirit and tap into the immense potential of your imagination.

By incorporating these template ideas into your vision board creation process, you can make the process just a tad bit easier for yourself. The world of visualization might seem overwhelming in the beginning but with the help of our templates, you will be able to create a great starter vision board. 

Looking for some inspiration to aid in your manifestation journey? We have compiled a list of vision board ideas, quotes, examples, and supplies to help you create the best vision board. 

For a deep dive into the world of vision boards, we also recommend having a look at vision board ideas for adults, vision board apps, and how to throw a vision board party.

1. How Do I Make My Own Vision Board?

How Do I Make My Own Vision Board?

Creating a vision board is an inherently personal process. It allows you to visualize your aspirations and manifest your dreams. If you are looking for a standard way to do so, you can begin by hashing out your goals. Once you have the end goal sorted, work backward and incorporate images of how you will reach there. This is what forms the core of your vision board. Carefully pick the images that best represent the reality you want to create for yourself. Add quotes that resonate with you to your vision board.

The vision board serves as a daily reminder and source of inspiration. It encourages you to stay focused and visualize the future you wish to create. Through the power of visualization, the vision board becomes a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and bringing dreams to life.

2. Vision Board Template Ideas to Get Started

2.1. Vision Board Template For Career Success 

2.1.1. Images of Your Dream Job or Industry:

Start by including images of your dream job or industry. This is to help you visualize the type of work you aspire to do and the environment you want to be in. Look at the different aspects of working there that you would enjoy( and we don’t just mean the cubicle), and include images that highlight their culture.  

2.1.2. Quotes or Affirmations Related to Success:

Choose quotes and affirmations that are specific to your career goals, such as "I am capable of achieving greatness in my field" or "I am constantly learning and growing in my profession." These statements will remind you to stay confident and resilient through your career journey.

2.1.3. Pictures of Successful Individuals You Admire:

Your role models should always have a place on your vision board. Whether they’re entrepreneurs, leaders, or experts in your field, these images will help you remember what you aspire to achieve.  Looking at these pictures will help you remember that success is attainable, no matter how far the goal seems at this point in your life.

2.2. Vision Board Template For Health and Wellness

Vision Board Template For Health and Wellness

2.2.1. Pictures of Your Ideal Physical Fitness Level or Desired Body Image:

When you are looking to create a vision board centered around health and wellness, the first thing that pops into your mind would be the ideal body. So, whether it's a certain weight, a toned physique, or a specific level of fitness, pick images that you believe represent a healthy you. 

2.2.2. Images of Nutritious Foods and Healthy Recipes:

Health is more than just how you look, and your vision board should reflect that. Add images of nutritious foods and healthy recipes on your vision board. This will help you take a balanced approach to your overall health. As far as specific images are concerned, include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and other wholesome ingredients to add vibrancy to your board.

2.2.3. Quotes or Affirmations Promoting Self-Care and Well-Being:

Adding quotes or affirmations that promote self-care and well-being on your vision board is important. These affirmations will help you prioritize self-care and mindfulness and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Some great examples include"I prioritize my well-being and make time for self-care every day" or "I am deserving of love and care, both physically and mentally."

2.3. Vision Board Template For Travel and Adventure 

Vision Board Template For Travel and Adventure 

2.3.1. Pictures of Your Dream Travel Destinations:

The only way that a vision board works is if you can actually imagine and immerse yourself in the reality you are trying to create. So whether it's the towering peaks of the Himalayas, the vibrant streets of Tokyo, or the breathtaking beaches of the Maldives, pick the exact pictures of the experience you are looking to have.

2.3.2. Images of Activities or Experiences You Want to Try 

The next set of images to consider for a board like this is the activities you will do at these destinations. ​From adventures like snorkeling in coral reefs or skydiving from a plane to activities like kayaking in lakes or hiking through lush forests, create a board that best represents the reality you are aiming to bring to fruition. 

2.3.3. Quotes or Affirmations About Exploration 

We as humans are visual beings, but words, too, hold a lot of value in how we look at things. This is why picking the right quotes and affirmations is essential. Some prime examples you can consider for your board are “Adventure awaits beyond your comfort zone" or "The magic happens outside of your comfort zone."

2.4. Vision Board Template For Relationship and Love

Vision Board Template For Relationship and Love

2.4.1. Pictures of Couples or Families Displaying Love and Happiness

Including pictures of couples or families displaying love and happiness on your relationship and love vision board will aid you in visualizing the kind of love and connection you desire in your own relationships. These images can be of individuals or a family unit or even friends enjoying themselves.

2.4.2. Quotes or Affirmations About Love, Connection, and Healthy Relationships

Add affirmations like "Love is the foundation of my relationships" or "I attract loving and healthy relationships into my life." These quotes and affirmations don’t just apply to all the romantic relationships in your life but rather to every relationship you have. From the surface, this might seem like a board that is geared towards finding romantic love, but it is a lot more than that.  

2.4.3. Pictures Capturing Special Moments With Loved Ones

These images are both things that have happened and things that you want.
Ideally, look for images of people experiencing cherished moments with family, friends, or partners, showcasing smiles, laughter, and shared experiences.  These images serve as a visual reminder of the meaningful connections you already have and inspire you to cultivate more memories.

2.5. Vision Board Template For Personal Growth and Development

2.5.1. Images Representing Personal Goals and Aspirations

This board can be whatever you want it to be. All of us have different desires and goals in life. So, depending on what you are trying to achieve you can add to this board. Some great images to include are career advancements, fitness milestones, creative pursuits, or personal achievements. When you visualize these goals you inspire yourself to take action toward their realization.

2.5.2. Quotes or Affirmations Promoting Self-Improvement and Growth:

Affirmation for this kind of board needs to highlight the importance of continuous learning, resilience, and personal development. Some examples include, "I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth" or "I am constantly evolving into the best version of myself”.

2.5.3. Visual Symbols of Skills or Hobbies You Want to Develop:

A big part of self-development is learning new skills. Of course, you will have to learn them separately. But this vision board will help you remember and carry out the commitment.  You can include pictures pertaining to artistic pursuits, athletic abilities, entrepreneurial skills, or any other areas you wish to develop


  • What should be included in a vision board?

A vision board should include visual representations of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. This can include images, quotes, affirmations, and symbols that resonate with what you want to manifest in your life. It's important to include elements that evoke positive emotions and inspire you to take action toward your goals.

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