1. What Is Werewolf Game?
The Werewolf game is like a mystery party game where some players pretend to be werewolves attacking villagers while others try to figure out who the werewolves are. Each day, players discuss and vote to remove someone they think is the ultimate WerewolfWerewolf. The game ends when all werewolves are found or outnumber the villagers. You can also try playing the Werewolf game online, where each time you interact with others in the game, you need to be careful because they might be suspicious or have a plan.
2. What Is Werewolf Gameplay?
In the Werewolf gameplay, players are divided into two main teams: the werewolves and the villagers. The werewolves aim to eliminate villagers without getting caught, while the villagers try to identify and vote off the werewolves. During the "Night Phase", werewolves and other roles (Seer, Doctor, Witch, etc.) perform their actions in secrecy.
When day breaks during the "Day Phase", the group is informed of who was eliminated the previous night, leading to discussions and voting to lynch suspected werewolves. The game continues alternating night and day cycles until the werewolves are voted out, or they equal or outnumber the remaining villagers.
3. Summary of the Werewolf Game Rules
- This game can be played in offline setup or online mode via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
- The moderator, also called the host, steers the narrative, ensuring intrigue, balance, and a touch of unpredictability.
- The moderator randomly assigns roles to each player (Werewolf, Villager, Seer, etc.), ensuring players only know their role.
- At night, everyone sleeps by closing their eyes or turning off their camera if playing virtually.
- The moderator wakes up the werewolves to choose a player to eliminate.
- At dawn, everyone wakes up, and the moderator announces any players eliminated during the night.
- The players discuss and try to figure out who the werewolves are.
- After discussing, players vote on a player they suspect to be a werewolf to eliminate.
- The player with the most votes is lynched and removed from the game.
- If there's a tie in votes, a specific method (like no lynching or a revote) is applied.
- The game continues with alternate day and night phases.
- The game ends when all werewolves are eliminated (Villagers win) or the number of werewolves matches or exceeds the remaining players (Werewolves win).
4. What Are the Different Werewolf Game Roles?
4.1 Werewolf
Werewolves are the primary antagonists in the game, covertly working together during the night to eliminate villagers. Each night, they awake and silently choose a player to "kill." They aim to avoid detection and either outnumber or match the villagers in number to dominate the village.
4.2 Villagers
Villagers are the unsuspecting inhabitants of the village, with their primary goal being the identification and elimination of all werewolves. They rely on discussion, intuition, and the information shared by other roles to guide their decisions during daytime voting sessions.
4.3 Medic or Doctor
The Doctor plays a crucial defensive role in the Werewolf game. They can save or protect one player from potential harm each night. If the werewolves target the individual that the Doctor chose, that person is spared from elimination and remains in the game for another round.
4.4 Seer
The Seer is one of the central roles that aid the villagers in identifying werewolves. When the game transitions to the night phase, the Seer discreetly indicates to the moderator which player they wish to investigate. The moderator then silently communicates whether the chosen individual is a werewolf. This valuable information helps the Seer guide the villagers during the day phase.
4.5 Hunter

The Hunter is a unique role that introduces an element of retribution against the werewolves. Upon being eliminated, whether by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, the Hunter gets a final action: they can immediately choose one other player to shoot and eliminate alongside them. The Hunter's role adds a strategic layer to the game, as players must be cautious about voting them out or targeting them without adequate preparation.
4.6 Witch
The Witch adds a layer of strategy and unpredictability with her dual abilities. It holds two potions - A healing potion to save a life and a poison potion to eliminate any player. Each of these can only be used once per game. During the night, after the werewolves make their choice, the Witch is informed of their victim and can decide to use the healing potion on that individual or save it for another night. Additionally, the Witch can use the poison potion to eliminate any player.
4.7 The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard is the village protector, defending villagers from nocturnal threats. Each night, the Bodyguard selects one player to shield. If the werewolves target that individual, they survive the attack. However, the Bodyguard cannot consecutively guard the same person for two nights.
4.8. The Mayor
The Mayor is a figure of authority in the village, and their opinion holds more weight. When it comes time for the villagers to vote on whom to lynch, the Mayor's vote counts twice, making their decision incredibly influential in the game's outcome.
5. How To Play Werewolf in Virtual Workspace?
5.1 Setup
- Choose a Moderator: This person will not be a player but will oversee the game, narrating and guiding the phases. The moderator can inject suspense, drama, and mystery into the narrative, enhancing the overall experience for both players and observers.
- Determine Player Roles: Depending on the number of players, decide how many of each role you'll have. The typical roles include werewolves, villagers, seers, and doctors. There are other special roles in more advanced versions, such as the Hunter, Witch, Bodyguard, etc.
- Assign roles: The roles can be distributed randomly to players by drawing cards, using an app, or having the moderator secretly assign roles.
5.2 Night Phase
- Everyone Sleeps: The moderator informs the players whether it's day or night. At night, the players turn off their cameras.
- Werewolves Wake Up: The moderator cues the werewolves to open their eyes. Werewolves silently choose a victim by silently pointing or using virtual signals.
- Werewolves Sleep: Once they've decided, they close their eyes again.
- Seer Wakes Up: The moderator asks the Seer to open their eyes and choose someone to learn about. The moderator then silently communicates whether that person is a werewolf or not.
- Doctor Wakes Up: The Doctor chooses someone to save (it can be themselves). If the saved person is the one the werewolves chose as a victim, that person remains safe for that round.
- Night Ends: The moderator announces the end of the night.
5.3 Day Phase
- Reveal the Victim: The moderator announces who was killed by the werewolves unless saved by the Doctor. The victim cannot speak for the remainder of the game.
- Discussion: The remaining players try to figure out who the werewolves are. Players can share suspicions, give defenses, and argue.
- Voting: After the discussion, players vote on who they think is a werewolf to lynch that person. If there's a tie, the moderator can decide on a rule (e.g., no one is lynched, or there's a revote).
5.4 Game Continuation
- Alternate Phases: The game continues alternating between night and day phases until a win condition is met.
5.5 Winning the Game
- Villagers Win: If all the werewolves are eliminated.
- Werewolves Win: When the number of werewolves equals or exceeds the remaining villagers.
6. FAQs
6.1 How is the game Werewolf played?
In the virtual team-building version, players are assigned roles like werewolves, villagers, and special characters, communicating through video calls or chat while discussing and deducing who the werewolves are to protect the village.
6.2 How do you play Werewolf and win?
Players collaborate to identify hidden werewolves among them. Villagers aim to unmask the werewolves, while the latter strive to stay hidden. To win, you need to uncover werewolves or successfully deceive others if you're one.
6.3 What is the Witch in the Werewolf game?
The Witch can save or eliminate players, influencing the game's dynamics and strategies for the team.
6.4 What is the ratio of roles in the werewolf game?
The role ratio varies, but typically, there's a mix of villagers and werewolves, along with unique roles like the Witch, Seer, and more, depending on the game's complexity.
6.5 How long is a game of Werewolf?
Virtual werewolf games for team building can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of players and the pace of discussions.
6.6 How many wolves are in a game of Werewolf?
The number of werewolves in a virtual team-building werewolf game depends on the total player count, generally ranging from 1 to 3 werewolves.
6.7 How many people can play Werewolf at once?
A virtual werewolf game can accommodate groups of 8 to 20+ players, making it ideal for team-building activities.
6.8 What age is the werewolf game for?
The virtual werewolf game for team building can be adapted to suit various age groups. Typically, it is suitable for participants aged 14 and above, as it involves strategic thinking, discussion, and deduction.